Redefining Integrated Payments: Meet Forward

Forward’s journey began with a vision to transform the payment processing landscape for software companies, making it more transparent, equitable, and empowering. Today, we want to share the story of how we created Forward and why it’s more than just a business venture—it’s a movement to change an  industry and build the solution we wish we’d had. 

The Genesis of Our Idea

The idea for Forward emerged during our tenure leading the embedded payments business at Fiserv, to whom we sold our second company, Bypass, now Clover Sport. .   We discovered the stark discrepancies in how payment products were built, sold and managed, revealing a profound imbalance that many software companies faced. 

The industry is filled with professionals selling payments without understanding what it takes to run a SaaS business. They often use industry jargon that is foreign to the language of software builders to obscure and keep the vast majority of the economics in their court, locking in unfavorable terms that stifle the growth and financial health of their customers.

We then began building a platform uniquely designed from the ground up to support software companies, ensuring they retain control over customer interactions and maximize their revenue potential from integrated payments.

What Makes Forward Different

  1. Strategic Services: At Forward, we do more than just provide services; we forge partnerships that are directly tied to the growth and revenue of our clients. Our strategic services, including program design and merchant sales, are crafted to significantly enhance the economic outcomes for software companies.
  2. Technological Innovation: We’ve developed a suite of partner-centric tools that integrate seamlessly with existing software platforms, allowing companies to manage their payment services efficiently without disrupting customer relationships. Our vision is for the software brand to remain front and center, avoiding industry standard, and disjointed handoffs.  
  3. Complete Control Over Backend Processes: Unlike many in the industry, we maintain full ownership of our backend settlement technology. This control translates into flexible, fair pricing and more efficient distribution of payments, setting us apart in a competitive market.

Our Vision for the Future

Our commitment at Forward is to lead the charge toward a more transparent payment processing industry. We envision a market where software companies are not just participants, but leaders, equipped with the tools and knowledge to capitalize on their payment volume fully.

Starting Forward was not just about creating another fintech company; it was about addressing a gap that many overlooked. As we move forward (pun intended), we remain dedicated to our mission of equipping software companies with the capability to not only survive but thrive by turning the complexities of payment processing into strategic advantages.

We hope this gives you a glimpse into our motivations and the excitement we have for the future of Forward. We’re just getting started, and there’s much more to come. In the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more, reach out to get a no obligation, no strings attached assessment of your current payments set-up.   

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Our Values
We lead with these truths.


We believe transparency in all things make us better partners - from pricing to to terms - you can trust our team to provide honest, straightforward answers.


We bring logic and rational thought in everyday language to understanding payments business models to help you succeed.


We've been in your shoes building software, we know how it feels and are ready to to help you navigate the complicated world of payments.